Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Day!

Today we got a package from Grandma and it made our day! Saylor was seriously so excited when the mailman brought this to our door. She loves getting the mail everyday and when I told her it was for her she got so excited to find out what was inside!

The first thing she pulled out was this baby stroller and after that she was no longer interested in what else was in the box, she immediately started pushing her stuffed animals all around the house. She pushed it around all day long!

After a little bit I was able to pull her away from the stroller for a minute for her to find out what else was in the box...this is one of the super cute outfits Grandma sent. Yay for new clothes! Saylor hasn't had anything new since we moved here. (Shopping for baby clothes at Walmart is just not that exciting) Here's another one of the adorable outfits Grandma sent, she did good!
I also got some new shirts and Ty some basketball shorts but he wasn't willing to model them for the camera. Getting packages is fun for us too!
Smiling for the camera saying, "Thanks Grandma, We Love You!"

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