Sunday, August 18, 2013

Oakley turns 2!

My beautiful Oakley turned 2 last week! This girl is exploding with personality.  She talks non-stop and repeats everything we say.  She is always cracking us up and melting our hearts with the cute things she says and does.  Oakley is also crazy.  She goes and goes and goes and never stops.  She climbs on everything and is always running everywhere she goes.  Oakley also cries a lot.  She always has.  Not only does she cry all the time, she screams! Her temper tantrum throwing is pretty intense.  I'm not going to lie, this girl has been pretty challenging for us.  Anyone that has been around her for an extended period of time knows that she is a lot to handle. After having Saylor we thought there was no way we could get a wilder child.  We were so wrong.  Oakley is WAY crazier than Saylor was.  We always thought we'd be ready for baby #3 by now but with this crazy girl we are thinking we'll have to wait a little longer haha.  She just keeps getting harder! I just can't even imagine being pregnant and tired and trying to chase her around.  Ty being gone all the time is also a big part of it.  When I go out with my two girls alone I feel like I can BARELY handle them on my own.  BUT, when Oakley is happy and in a good mood she is the cutest, most hilarious, smartest, sweetest girl ever.  So I'll take the hard, grumpy, screaming moments for those cutest in the world ones.  This hard stage will pass and I know I'm going to miss her at this age.  There is nothing in the world I'd rather do than be her mom and I'm learning a lot of patience along the way!
Oakley LOVES to play dress ups.  She at times will have 3-4 skirts on over her clothes or a big fluffy dress.  She loves to put on heels and walk all around the house. She loves to tell everyone how pretty she is and how she looks like a princess.  The only movies she will sit and watch for more than 5 minutes are Despicable Me, Rio and Barbie's The Princess and the Pauper.  She can also quote most of those movies which is super hilarious.  This girl loves to swim!  She has no fear and will jump in over and over and go crazy in the water.  Oakley loves to dance and sing.  She will dance any time she hears a beat.  Oaks loves babies and is very motherly.  She especially loves Maxie Boy! Oakley still really loves food.  Sometimes I feel like she eats more than me haha! Oakley adores her sister.  They play really well together MOST of the time.  I love to see how their close sister relationship is forming and how sweet they are to each other.
Oakley loves to be read to and sung to.  Her favorite songs are I am a child of God, Families can be together forever and I love to see the temple.  We sing them to her every night before bed and she knows most of the words. Oakley is 30 pounds and in the 80th percentile for weight and height.  She loves to wrestle and give tackle hugs.  Some of my favorite phrases Oakley says are: "Thank you soooo much!" "Tada!" "I so pretty!" "Oh me gosh!" "Oh boy!" "Bye, I wub you!"  When we got back from Utah this summer Oaks learned to climb out of her crib so she is currently sleeping with her mattress on the floor and the door locked from the outside!  Half the time she still falls asleep on the floor.

I was trying really hard to not go over the top for Oakley's birthday. I wanted to do some cute things but mostly I just wanted her to be excited and have a fun day and make her feel special.  I made these adorable Despicable me minion cupcakes because I knew she would recognize them and be so happy!  When she saw them she yelled, "Spicable me, spicable me!"

I drew on all the balloons to make them look like minions too.
The Happy Birthday Girl!
I can't even put into words how much I love this girl!!!!

I did a few other easy, cute things from Despicable Me to make it fun! (Thanks for all the help Lisa!)

We had to have stuffed crust pizza for lunch!
Oaks chowing down on her cupcake
We invited over a few kids Oakley's age that she loves and let them play in the pool out back.  Oaks had sooo much fun!!  I think she knew it was her party haha!

Oaks dove in the pool head first over and over!
I even let her lounge in the pool eating cookies! (Pretty sure she ate at least 15 cookies that day!)
Saylor and Oakley put fluffy skirts on and were giving us a show on the back porch.
Dance party!
Oakley's birthday was on a block weekend so we celebrated with Daddy on Sunday with a giant Magleby's chocolate cake! (only partially lop-sided)
Oakley about to blow out her candles...
I accidentally left the water in the pool out back and Oakley ran outside fully clothed and dove right in! Haha it was pretty hilarious!
She was super proud of herself!
Since she was already wet I just let her swim to her heart's content!
We sure love our little Oakler girl!


West Family said...

Holy Cow!! That is the cutest birthday idea ever. We love despicable me!! I can't believe Oakley is 2. Give her a big hug from us. We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Great birthday idea! I'll try to do somenthing like this for my kid. Thanks for sharing.