Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer Part 3

Ok, one more super long post with lots of pictures!

These are Say's very best friends, her cousins Morgin and Jess. These girls played almost everyday all summer and Saylor was in heaven.

Strawberry Days is one of our favorite celebrations!  We went down to the rodeo grounds to look at all the animals.
Saylor hanging with Uncle Tallon at the rodeo
Enjoying the delicious strawberries and cream!!

Say and Morgin riding rides at the carnival

Best Buddies
We loved the rodeo.  The best part was when these guys were doing motorcyle tricks.  I was screaming my head off and it was scaring everyone around us (including Saylor) but I seriously couldn't control it.  The tricks were crazy!

My parents came down for a weekend and we went to Lagoon.  We haven't been there in years and we had such a blast.  Saylor LOVED riding these cars.  She thought she was so awesome riding all by herself.
Sno Cone!

I'm sure Ty would say one of his favorite parts of the summer was going to Tallon's basketball games.  We don't get to watch him play very much so it was pretty fun.  Sadly I didn't get any pictures of the games but one night after the game there was a carnival going on right behind the building he played in.  It was 10 for $10 carnival rides so we obviously couldn't pass that up!

Poor Oaks was exhausted and fell asleep in Grandpa's arms (she hardly ever does that!)
What's a carnival with out a funnel cake?!  Oh I love those things.

Oaks fav was the carousel
One of my best friends from high school, Bre moved down to Provo over the summer.  It was so much fun to get to hang out with her because we haven't lived by each other since high school.  Bre is the best ever.  She came and hung out with Ty's family lots and they all loved her.
We went to Trafalga to ride go-karts but Bre didn't have any closed toed shoes.  Luckily Tallon had some extra shoes in his car, they were only like 10 sizes too big haha!
My girls on the Sunday before the 4th wearing their adorable patriotic dresses

We bounced back to Lagoon for a second day for only $11 with Ty's family
We took Oakley this time and she did great!
Autumn, Tallon and Ty
Oaks loved the train!

Saylor couldn't get enough of the cars, and this time she had Truman to ride with!
Riding the kid rollercoaster with Mommy
Ty turned 30 this summer!!!  Woah Babe! He of coarse wanted cheesecake factory for his birthday and the most chocolatey, peanut buttery cheesecake he could find.
This summer I decided the 4th of July is definitely my favorite holiday.  I love summer, fireworks, family, yummy food, parties and just everything about it.  We were SO happy to be in Utah for the 4th this year.  The last two in Missouri just haven't been the same.  We went down with some of Ty's cousins to save spots at the parade. This was one of my favorite traditions growing up.
My girls in their matching outfits at the parade!  Our 4th of July was such a perfect day.  We went to the parade, straight to my Aunt Jen's huge party in the park with my side of the family, then right to Ty's family BBQ and then to the huge firework show.  We even got to go to a big dance party after the fireworks outside of the stadium and dance parties are one of my most favorite things.  We partied all day long and it was awesome.

Say doing a sparkler at the fireworks
Ty's cousin Taylia turned 30 about a week after him so we had a big party for both of them! 
Best Looking 30 year olds ever!!

It was so fun to see lots of friends at the party.  Say even got to see her boyfriend George!
Right after Ty turned 30 he ran a half marathon with me!!  Here we are carbo loading at Brick Oven the night before the race.
My mom and Allie also ran with us, it was SO much fun!
I absolutely LOVE that Ty ran this race with me.  He HATES running but he knew I really wanted him to do this with me.  He trained with me for 3 months, it was a huge commitment and he basically only did it because he loves me.  I know, super gaggy, but it really was a bonding experience.  The half I did in April was awesome but I didn't feel like I really pushed myself and I wasn't even sore after the race.  My goal was to finish and I did in about 2 hours, 10 minutes.  This time I told Ty I wanted to be sore and try to finish the race in under 2 hours.  We started with the 2 hour pacer and then we just kept getting faster.  I think Ty really loved the competition of the race and he pushed me every step of the way.  It felt awesome until about the last mile when I thought I was going to die.  We ended up finishing in 1 hour 50 minutes, 20 minutes faster than my previous time!  I was super happy with that time, it was an average of 8:24 minute miles.  Way faster than I have ever ran, I couldn't have done it with out Ty! 
Here are some pics of us swimming at the Lehi Legacy Center, way fun pool!
My girls love to swim!
It was such an amazing summer and we'll never forget it.  I was dreading coming back to Missouri but now that we are here we love it. We have so many great friends and Ty is excited to start school!

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