Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Oaks!

One year ago...
 this little cutie joined our family!

This past year has been quite an adventure trying to figure out how to handle two crazy, busy, spunky little girls but we wouldn't have it any other way!
We sure love this girl!
At one year old Oakley is quite the professional walker, runner and climber!  When we are at the park she can climb up the stairs of the playground and go down the slide all by herself!  She wants to do everything like a big girl.  She is still totally a mama's girl and my favorite is when she wraps her arms around my neck and gives me the best hugs! Oaks has four teeth on top and two on bottom, I just love her cheesy little grin!  She can say mama, dada, baba (bottle), hello and thank you.  She loves to carry my cell phone around and say hello, hello! Oakley is already completely into babies and carries dolls around and wraps them up in blankets and pushes them in the stroller.  Oakley loves to clap, give kisses, wave bye-bye, and blow kisses.  She is at the cutest age!

We were so lucky to have so much family in town for Oakley's birthday.
Here she is opening her presents, with lots of help from Sister of coarse.

Mommy helping her blow out her candles
She was a little bit timid at first...

But eventually dove right in!

We love you Oaks and are so happy to have you in our family!

1 comment:

Time-Out With Tiffany said...

for some reason I feel like Oakley is so much older because she started doing everything soooo young :) She had to keep up with her big sis... Happy birthday little oaks!