Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break

After going home in October, November, and December, Ty told me we absolutely were not going home for spring break. I was ok with it, but after a long, dreary winter here in Kirksville I was ready to get out. One night after skyping with family I broke down and cried from being homesick and begged Ty to go home. Ty being the nicest ever husband that he is couldn't bear to see me sad and finally agreed that we could go home. Since Saylor is two now we really can't afford to fly so we made the 17 hour drive to Utah and it was so worth it!

Here are some highlights of our trip...
I got to hang out with my best friend in the world Sarah and her adorable little girl Ester. I signed up for a free week pass at Gold's so I could work out with her all week and we went to some awesome classes. We also decided to take advantage of the beautiful spring weather and take a walk up Provo canyon (one of my most favorite places ever) It felt SO good to sit in the sun and let our girls play at the park.
Sadly this was one of the few moments that Saylor was actually nice to Ester. I think she might have been a little jealous or something because she picked on her a lot:(
Enjoying a nice sunny picnic...
Disney on Ice was in Salt Lake while we were there so I thought Ty might like to take Saylor since he was going to miss our week at Disneyland. Plus, nothing like that ever comes to Kirksville. Saylor loved seeing all the characters and hearing all the disney songs. I think I was just as excited as she was though, I love to watch ice skating!

Say jamming out to the music
This picture has kind of a funny story to go with it...I wanted to get a picture of everyone who went to Disney on Ice so I made everyone stand by the wall. There were people everywhere and I was trying to get someone to take our picture but they were all walking by so fast. Finally, Ty told me that if I didn't ask someone in the next 5 seconds that we were leaving and I wouldn't get my picture. I panicked and handed the camera to the next person I saw. Only after I handed the lady my camera and asked her to take the picture did I realize she was handicapped...I seriously didn't mean it but I couldn't take my camera back now! Under his breath Ty was like, "Nice pick Chels!" The lady reluctantly told me she didn't really know how but at the last second her aid person came to the rescue and took the picture for me. Anyways, I got my picture...
Saylor had her real birthday while we were in Utah so we got to have a party with the whole family! Her cousin Jessi has a birthday only 2 days apart from her so me and Autumn made them this awesome castle cake.
Say was loving all this attention!

Saylor had a blast playing with her cousins!
All the girls playing with their Auntie Autumn
So sweet...
Grandma doing what she loves most
We of coarse had to get in our fair share of Settlers while we were home!
The 3 little girls hanging out and eating popsicles
Ty's mom only lives 5 minutes from the Timp temple now. We have really missed this temple and mostly just having a temple close by so it was such a treat to just pop on over to do a session one morning.
Say and Jess in their princess dresses
It was a great week full of tons of family parties, staying up late playing games, BBQs, picnics, walks, and hanging out with all the people we love! We can't wait to see you at the end of May!

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