Tuesday, September 21, 2010

18 months

Wow, I can't believe Saylor is 18 months. I remember looking at kids that age and thinking they were so grown up. Saylor is totally growing up! She is just so much fun and talks non stop. She is so smart and has such an amazing memory!! When I show her pictures of family she can name everyone. The other day a picture of my mom came up on the computer screen saver and Saylor said, "Grandma! I love you!" It was so cute it made me want to cry. I'm so glad she remembers her extended family even though they are so far away!
Last night we had a fire in our backyard and made s'mores for family night. Saylor felt so cool sitting in a chair just her size.

Saylor playing with Ginger at Ty's flag football game. She still LOVES dogs!
Ty playing football. He is also playing volleyball, soccer and basketball and he is loving all of them. Say and I come cheer him on 4 days a week and we love it too! Saylor gets to play with the other kids and I get to hang out with the wives.
Saylor found these 1 lb weights during Ty's volleyball game and was trying to work out.
Saylor eating her sucker after going poo poo in the potty for her 1st time! She still has a long way to go with the potty training but its a start.
We've been to the lake 3 times in the last week because Saylor loves it so much! They have a sandy area where the kids can play and swim and we've been trying to take advantage of every last bit of warm weather before it gets cold. I'm actually discovering that Missouri has beautiful fall weather. The humidity is minimal and the temp is usually in the 70's. Perfect park weather!

The support here is amazing! There are always lots of fun people wanting to hang out and there are so many kids to play with! I can't imagine being in a better place for school.

Say with her Mommy
Saylor loves her ju! (That's what she calls juice)
Crazy hair style in the tub!
Watermelon is Saylor's favorite (along with cheese and bananas)
Saylor is so dramatic and definitely has the tantrum thing down...oh but she just looks so cute doing it!
Saylor and her boyfriend George. These two play so well together and they're already trying to sneak away together on a motorcyle! Saylor talks about George all the time.

Just some cute pics...

Saylor just keeps getting cuter! Her favorite things to say right now are, I love you (my absolute favorite), help you (I ask her, do you want me to help you? so she says this when she needs help), cool (especially when she hears thunder which is a lot in Missouri!) and she is getting really good at saying prayers. (She'll fold her arms and repeat about one word from every sentence I whisper to her and ends with Jesus, AMEN!) She loves to repeat everything I say all day long, she is such a good little talker. It's funny for us to hear what she picks up on. Sometimes we don't realize how much we say things until Saylor starts saying it over and over. We LOVE this little girl so much and I feel so blessed every day that I get to be her mom!


Time-Out With Tiffany said...

She is so stinkin cute.. and seriously is so smart! I love that little girl... (and so does george)

Unknown said...

i love all those adorable pictures! she is so darling and I really am amazed at how smart she is when i get to babysit her at exercise group, she is such a good little talker and has such a fun personality... little spit-fire!