Friday, February 22, 2013

Getting through the winter...

Winter can get pretty blah...especially in a tiny town where there is literally no where to go besides Walmart when it's freezing outside. (We don't even have a McDonald's play place!)  I've gone out of town kind of a lot this winter and it's really helped keep some excitement in our lives.  Columbia, Quincy, Des Moines, Columbia again.

We found a fun place in Quincy called Scottie's Fun Spot and spent all day playing...

Eden and Saylor having fun posing...

Some super cute kids!
We've been bowling a few times...

Oakley is turning into quite the dancer these days! She danced back and forth across the bowling alley all night!

My girls are so in love with Baby Max! Saylor tells me quite often that all we need is a little brother (named George!) and a van.  I always tell her, someday. Max will have to do for now.
When we get a few inches of snow in Missouri everything shuts down.  It's pretty funny actually because people here just don't know how to handle snow.  They cancel school pretty much every time it snows! I decided to bundle the girls up and let them play in the snow in the backyard.

Eating Snow...

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