Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Best Mom (and Grandma) Ever!

I have the absolute best mom in the entire world! I could not have survived my last couple of weeks without her.

My mom was here with the rest of my family the weekend before I had Saylor. She came ready to stay in case I had her that week. Sunday came and I had felt absolutely nothing. No contractions or any signs that labor was coming soon. Since my due date was still over a week away I sent my mom home Sunday afternoon with my family because I told her I'd rather have her here when the baby was around and I was just going to be working all week. So my mom left and got home around midnight that night. And of coarse later that night my mom got a call from me about 3am. Not even giving it a second thought my mom got up and booked a flight so she could be here for me. She got there in perfect timing the next morning. I had already had my epiderral so I was relaxed and we just hung out and played cards until it was time to push.

My mom spent the next week doing everything possible for me. Not only did she cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for me while she was here, she made a week more of dinners to put in the freezer for when she was gone. She ran errands for me, did my dishes and laundry, went grocery shopping, changed diapers and took Saylor whenever I wasn't feeding her so I could get some rest. Even in the middle of the night when I had never been so exhausted in my life my mom would come to my rescue and rock Saylor to sleep and send me back to bed. My dad and sister were missing her so she had to go back home but she paid for our gas to come up to Boise so I could have another 5 days of help (and so Saylor could meet her Grandpa and Aunt Kirstie!) She is the cutest grandma ever, in the hospital the nurses couldn't believe she was my mom and not my big sister. It was so fun having her here, we are all missing her a lot! Thank you so much mom for making my first few weeks of being a mom so great! I LOVE YOU!!!

1 comment:

Jandee said...

Chelsey and Tyler congrats again, these pic are sooooo cute. And congrats to my favorite Aunt JoAnn it is good to see pics of your family. The 3 generation pic is really cute.
bty I love all the big bows!