Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Mom Came to Visit!

After getting to Missouri and dealing with the whole house situation me and Ty both thought, we want our moms! Since Ty's mom is already coming in August, we talked my mom into flying out to come help us get settled in. I feel bad for complaining so much about the house in my last post. Yes, our first impression was pretty terrible but there are tons of good things about the house. Like the fact that its WAY bigger than we're used to, we have a dishwasher, washer/dryer, a huge kitchen and Saylor now has her own room.
A hard thing about Kirksville is that its so small that the nearest main airport is almost 3 hours away. But we were more than happy to drive it to go pick up my mom. It just felt good to have my mom come and see where I am living now. After we picked her up in Kansas City we decided to go check out the mall there. They had a big clifford play place that Saylor loved.

On our way home from Kansas City we stopped at Liberty Jail. I thought it would make me really sad to see it but it was more of a good feeling knowing Joseph Smith was there and received revelation from God at that very spot.
About 5 minutes out of town Kirksville has a lake that is really pretty because its surrounded by tons of trees. We took my mom there and went on a little hike.
Since my mom came all the way to Missouri it was a great excuse to go to Nauvoo for our 1st time! I still can't believe that we are in the Nauvoo stake. It's our one claim to fame all the way out here in the middle of nowhere!

Saylor playing in the little pioneer house
Saylor in a little pioneer bonnet
We all tried to walk on the pioneer stilts...
It's a lot harder than it looks!
My mom actually turned out to be the best at it!
Saylor atthe Woman's Garden at the Nauvoo Visitor Center
Saylor was hugging the little girl statue
Inside the visitor center they have a big statue of Jesus with his arms spread out. Saylor kept going up to it with her arms out like she wanted to give him a sweet.
Walking around the streets of Old Nauvoo, it was hard to listen to the presentations because Say is such a wiggle worm but it was still cool to see everything. There is such a special spirit in Nauvoo, it was such a testimony builder to see how the pioneers made a life in Nauvoo.
The Nauvoo temple was absolutely breathtaking. We didn't get to go inside this time but just walking around it I could feel such a strong spirit there. I couldn't stop staring at how beautiful it was, I can't believe the pioneers were able to build such an amazing structure all the way back then, what a sacrifice.

We sat and listened to these bag pipers for a while...they sounded awesome.
Saylor loved them too! Here's a video of her dancing. (sorry it starts out sideways)

All during the month of July they put on the Nauvoo pagaent every night. It was AWESOME! The Nauvoo temple made the perfect backdrop. Coming from Utah we got so used to being surrounded by Mormons all the time. It was nice to come to Nauvoo and feel that again all the way out here.
My moms visit came to an end all too fast. Sometimes I don't know how I got so lucky to have her as a mom. She is so amazing! She sets such an incredible example for me and I hope someday I can be like her even just a little bit. We were so productive the whole time she was here. She helped me hang up all my pictures in the house, bought me new curtains for my sliding door and even sewed curtains for the rest of the living room windows. She bought us groceries and other odds and ends of things we needed to get the house organized. She even helped me make some fresh strawberry jam which Ty is especially greatful for! With all that she was doing she found time to play with Saylor tons too and Say loved all the extra attention! We love you so much Mom and are missing you already! Please come again soon!

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