Wednesday, January 25, 2012

5 months

I was looking back at past posts I had done and I was realizing how MUCH I blogged about Saylor and how LITTLE I've blogged about Oakley and I was feeling really bad. I love going back and reading about Saylor as a baby so I'm going to try really hard to stay more updated on Oakley.

Oakley is five months old! As Oakley gets older and can interact more, it is so cute to watch her and Saylor play. She really does adore her sister! Saylor can always get the biggest grins out of her. Oakley is such a strong girl! At four months old she started to get up and rock on her hands and knees and she pushes up and makes an a-frame. She is getting VERY close to crawling and I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for it! Oakley is a very active baby (just like her sister!) always rolling around, kicking her legs or trying to crawl. She is getting pretty good at sitting up. She started rice cereal and loves it! We tried to give her green peas and she absolutely hated them! She kept gagging on them and then just started screaming, her reaction was pretty funny! Oakley is such a people person. When we walk out of the room she will instantly cry because she hates to be alone! She really loves to be held as long as I am up doing things.

We love having Oakley in our family so much. If she was just a better sleeper, she would be perfect!

Here are some pics of our little cutie...

It is always funny to hear everyone's opinion on who Oakley looks like. Here are some pictures of Saylor in the same outfit...

1 comment:

Mindy Sagers said...

Love that little cutie patootie. Oh and I love your family picture at the top of your blog. Such an adorable family.